Scoliosis is a condition that causes a sideways curvature of the spine. It can affect people at any point of their lives, from birth until our later years. Approximately 2% of the population will be diagnosed in their teenage years and almost 68% by the time we are reach 60 years old! Every person has a unique curvature specific to them; optimal treatment involves expert-level assessment to determine your individual curve pattern.

Cloudline’s therapists have received training in the Schroth Method. It is clear the value of this methodology after working with hundreds of patients with scoliosis! Visible and lasting change has been observed regarding mobility, breathing, function, and symptom reduction. The Schroth Method involves use of active muscle contraction, in conjunction with breathing, to reduce the compensation patterns that occur due to scoliosis. Our goal is to help you learn the techniques necessary to reduce the curve effects and maintain an active healthy life moving forward.