The Cloudline Donation Program is a non-profit project that collects donations consisting of braces, orthotics, and assistive devices. The mission is to provide these donated medical devices to those without access, both within our community and abroad. We have partnered with charitable organizations and many of our regions’ universities to assist in the distribution of the donations internationally and to Philly-based pro bono clinics. Your local medical institution may have already referred you, if not, please ask them or contact us directly for more details.

Our Needs:

Braces: knee, elbow, wrist, ankle, back, neck

Shoulder slings

Walking boots, shoe orthotics

Assistive devices: canes, walkers, crutches

Give us a call if you are unsure that your item is appropriate for donation.
Please clean the items prior to your donation.

What We Don’t Need:

We only have a need for fully functional pieces of equipment. Please do not bring broken items. Do not bring dirty, soiled, defective, or unsterile items. Our patients at Cloudline remain our top priority and we will strictly maintain a hygienic environment. Unfortunately, we do not have the space to store and/or transport large pieces of medical equipment. Please give us a call if you are unsure if your item is appropriate to be donated.

How it Works:

Drop off.  Bring your donatable item to any of our Cloudline Physical Therapy locations. If applicable, check with your surgical team to ensure you will no longer have use for the equipment.

No tax receipts. Cloudline is not attempting to assign value to the items you donate, though we are incredibly grateful! You will simply be handing equipment over out of the kindness of your heart.

100% of the usable items donated are redistributed.


Hearts in Motion • JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY • Arcadia University
• Drexel University • Temple University